GOAL: Identify irregular verbs and their changes for classify the main information in reading text.


  • What are the verbs?
  • Irregular verbs in simple past
  • Vocabulary “Crime scene”




A Murder At A School


I had just got to the crime scene then I look at the address it was the local school. Werraworry Primary school was a run down old looking school. It was the sort of place that would make you shiver when ever you drove past it.


My assistant detective, Belzo Boo came and told me what happened. She said that one of the girl students had been killed. She had multiple stab wounds and had been shot once. I went and checked it out. The killer left all of the murder weapons behind. We knew that it must have been the killer’s first murder, Because killers who knew what they were doing never leave the weapons behind. I put the evidence into a bag and took it back to the lab. I tested it for finger prints it came up with two different people’s finger prints. That means there were two different killers involved.


I went into my office to ring Belzo Boo and told her to get all the students to come to the school so that we can test their finger prints. I got the ink and went back down to the school. The ambulance had removed the body. The students were already lined up so I started getting their finger prints.


After all the students fingers had been tested for fingerprints I headed back to the lab. We had two matches. One of them was Max and one of them was Jealousy. They were brothers. People called them the Wimped brothers. They were the town’s bullies. Nobody liked them they were mean boys.


I told Belzo to meet me at their place and I would go in and she would stay out till I signalled for back up. I left for their house it was in the rich part of town but if you looked at their house you would be able to tell it was theirs. It was worse looking then the school, which was really bad.


I knocked on the door and there was no answer so I knocked the door down and there was nobody home. There was a note saying

“We figured that you would be able to tell who did it and yes it is true we did it.

\ We regret it now and have left town for good.

Sorry to cause any trouble… Bye”


I couldn’t believe they were gone so I went to the only other friends they had in town and there was their car they were walking out the door so I quickly got out the car. Max spotted me and told Jealousy and they ran. I started chasing after them they were not very fast. I tackled down Max the fastest one. He was the leader so Jealousy stopped because he was puffing. I radioed Belzo telling her to come and pick up Jealousy. I took Max to the car and cuffed Jealousy so that he wouldn’t run before Belzo had the chance to get here.


They were sentenced for 40 years.



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                     UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA TITTLE: The mystery language: Learning english through crime stories GRADE : TENTH AND ELEVENTH GRADE ...